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"Broen mellem Rumaenien og Danmark!"
Infomunca.ro - locuri de munca in tara si strainatate
Job Category: Agriculture
Company: JHJ
Location: Sjaelland
Experience Necessary: without experience
Driver Licenses Necessary: yes - at least for man
Atributions: wanted: couple between 20-30 years, good english and driver licence (at least for man). Dutties: take care of piglets and sows, participation depending on the work plan on the farm to other activities such as: artificial insemination, vaccinations, treatments, washing, delivery animals, castration, etc.
Transport Included: No
Hosting Included: Yes
If Included, Charge is: 2000 dkk/month/person with all utilities and internet included in this amount.
Salary offered: Salary: in the first six months of the contract: gross salary = 11.230 DKK minus 8-25% tax, result a net salary of approx. 8200 danish kroner (about: 1000 to 1100 euro).After seven months of the contract the gross wage scala increase to: 13.027 danish kroner, minus tax (tax maybe vary), resulting a net salary of approx. 9000 danish kroner (about:1150 to 1250 Euro).This salary wage scala is for 160 hours worked per month.Overtime is paid in about: 90kr/hour brutto.
Company Description: Pigs farm with: 1000 sows, 33000 pigs for fattening/year, 1400 ha of land and modern agricultural machinery. Farmer age: 35 years old. Number of employees: 8. Accommodation: you will have your own room , but you have to share the living room, kitchen and bathroom with other people, who ar living in the same house, for 2000 kr/month/person with all the utilities and internet included. Distance between accommodation and the farm is: 8 km, but employeer give a car for transport. The fuel will be payed by employees.
Apply NOW! (only 12 € all taxes included !)